
基于后缀数组的克隆检测 被引量:7

Clone Detection Based on Suffix Array
摘要 程序员对源代码的拷贝、粘贴及修改活动会导致软件中出现大量克隆代码,增加软件开发和维护的成本。为解决该问题,提出一种新的克隆检测方法。利用基于后缀数组的算法查找重复的Token子串,进而检测出克隆代码,开发相应的克隆检测工具SaCD,用其检测29款C语言开源软件。实验结果表明,SaCD能快速有效地检测软件中的Type-1和Type-2语句克隆,其检测速度比传统的克隆检测工具CCFinderx快了近20倍。 The activities of the programmers for copying, pasting and modifying result in a lot of code clones in the software systems, and increase the cost of software development and maintenance. Aiming at this problem, this paper presents a new clone detection method which uses algorithm based on suffix array to efficiently search repeated token substrings and to detect code clones at last. It develops a clone detection tool SaCD and detects twenty-nine open source software systems of C language. Experimental results show that the SaCD can fastly and efficiently detect Type-1 and Type-2 statement clones in the software. The detection speed of SaCD is twenty times than that of CCFinderx.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 2013年第9期123-127,共5页 Computer Engineering
基金 内蒙古自然科学基金资助项目(2011MS0906)
关键词 克隆代码 克隆检测 Token串 后缀数组 重复子串 DC3算法 clone code clone detection Token string suffix array repeated substring DC3 algorithm
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