
用于北斗二代RTK的多径消减载波相位解算方法 被引量:1

Carrier Phase Calculation Method with Multi-Path Interference Mitigation in BD-2 RTK
摘要 北斗二代RTK算法以全天候、高精度、自动化、高效益等特点,在测绘、定位导航等领域有广泛的应用。当移动站的使用环境存在多径干扰时,由于载波相位的测量存在误差,传统的RTK算法将会导致移动站的整周模糊度不能成功解算。从数学模型入手,分析了多径信号的影响,提出一种基于软件的抗多径算法,该算法利用多组相关累加器构造一种载波相位测量方法,根据实际北斗二代B1频点信号的特点,构造了抗多径载波相位测量方案,并在卫星导航平台上进行了硬件实现和验证。结果表明,该算法在不同信噪比下相位误差均优于传统载波相位测量算法,具有一定的应用价值。 RTK algorithm is applied widely in position and navigation because of its characteristics of all-weather, precision, automation, high efficiency. With the multi-path interference around of the rover station, the traditional RTK algorithm can not lock ambiguity in the rover station because of the carrier phase measurement errors. The impact of the multi-path signal from the mathematical model is analyzed, and then a software-based rnuhi-path mitigation algorithm is proposed. Many groups accumulator are used in this algorithm to construct a carder phase measurement methods. According to the characteristics of the actual BD-2 B1 frequency signal, a practical anti-multipath carrier phase measurement scheme is constructed. The hardware implementation and verification are realized on satellite navigation platform. The results show that the phase errors of the proposed algorithm at different SNR are better than traditional cartier phase measurement algorithm.
出处 《测控技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期20-23,27,共5页 Measurement & Control Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61174194) 航空科学基金资助项目(20110196004) 西北工业大学研究生创业种子基金资助项目(Z2012096 Z2012097)
关键词 RTK 多径 多相关累加器 载波相位测量 RTK multi-path multi-accumulator carrier phase measurement
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