
国际气候谈判的困境与展望 被引量:1

Dilemma and Prospect of International Climate Negotiation
摘要 气候变化是一个典型的全球性问题,需要所有国家和团体共同应对,国际气候谈判应运而生。谈判充满矛盾、挑战和博弈,尽管形成了减排温室气体的共识,但仍有"搭便车"现象,谈判一度陷入"囚徒困境",存在着局部利益与全局利益的冲突。国际气候谈判受到气候、政治、经济和技术等多方面因素的影响。在未来国际气候谈判中,应当寻求国际合作,民主协商谈判,尊重国家主权,借鉴天下理论,走可持续发展的道路。 Climate change is a typically global environmental problem that requires all the countries and organizations to jointly cope with, and the international climate negotiation system emerges as the time require. The climate negotiations are full of contradiction, challenge and gaming. Although the consensus of reducing greenhouse gas emissions has come into being, the free-rider phenomenon still exists and, at one time, the ne- gotiation was trapped in the prisoner's dilemma because of the conflicts between partial interests and general in- terests. The international climate negotiation is influenced by many factors such as climate, politics, economy and technology. In the future, countries should seek international cooperation, strive for international sources, consult and negotiate democratically, respect state sovereignty and persist in sustainable development in the in- ternational climate negotiations.
作者 王苏春 王勇
出处 《阅江学刊》 2013年第4期22-26,共5页 Yuejiang Academic Journal
基金 2013年度中国气象局软科学研究项目"国际气象合作的制约因素与协商机制研究--以主权国家间的国际气候谈判为例"(SK20120145) 2012年度江苏省社会科学基金"国际气候谈判的制约因素与协商机制研究"(12ZZD009)
关键词 气候变化 国际气候谈判 国际气候合作 天下理论 climate change international climate negotiation international cooperation one-world theory
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