Multi-charged helium ion beam He2+ is useful for helium accelerator to obtain a higher energy with lower cost and for deuterium accelerator to avoid neutron activation during machine commissioning. An attempt to generate milliampere multi-charged helium He2+ ion beam with a 2.45 GHz electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) was tested recently. A design using a specfic permanent magnet 2.45 GHz ECRIS (PMECRIS) source (ERCIS) is reported and the He2~ beam production ability is described. With this source, we produced a total helium beam of 40 mA at 40 kV with 180 W of net microwave power and a gas flow of less than 0.5 seem. At steady state the He2+ beam intensity is 4.4 rnA, that being the fraction of multi-charged he- lium ion beam is at approximately 11%.
Multi-charged helium ion beam He2+ is useful for helium accelerator to obtain a higher energy with lower cost and for deuterium accelerator to avoid neutron activation during machine commissioning.An attempt to generate milliampere multi-charged helium He2+ion beam with a 2.45 GHz electron cyclotron resonance ion source(ECRIS) was tested recently.A design using a specfic permanent magnet 2.45 GHz ECRIS(PMECRIS) source(ERCIS) is reported and the He2+beam production ability is described.With this source,we produced a total helium beam of 40 mA at 40 kV with 180 W of net microwave power and a gas flow of less than 0.5 sccm.At steady state the He2+beam intensity is 4.4 mA,that being the fraction of multi-charged helium ion beam is at approximately 11%.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11075008 and 11175009)