为研究某电厂灰坝采用粉煤灰作为筑坝排水垫层材料的可行性 ,先配制了符合抗液化要求的粉煤灰。在此基础上 ,对粉煤灰进行了大量的动力特性试验研究 ,提出了该类粉煤灰相应的动模量及阻尼比的计算公式并给出其抗液化强度、动孔隙水压力及动残余应变的计算公式及其参数。研究表明 ,利用粉煤灰作为筑坝的排水垫层材料是可行的。
For the feasibility study of using flyash as the drainage blanket of the dam, samples with several sizes of flyash can be satisfied with liquefaction strength are chosen firstly Based on a large number of static and dynamic laboratory test results, the calculation formulae on dynamic modulus of shear deformation, damping ratio, dynamic pore water pressure, dynamic residual deformation are proposed, the parameters of these formulae are given also Combining test results with dynamic analysis, the study shows that it is feasible to use the flyash as the drainage blanket of the dam
Site Investigation Science and Technology
国家自然科学基金!重点资助项目 (597381 60 )