为了解决上海缺乏深水港址和宁波、舟山港腹地范围狭小的问题 ,提出了两个相互关联的宏大构想 :一是在杭州湾建造锁海大坝并展开大规模的围垦造陆 ;二是兴建宁波至舟山的跨海交通与输水工程。这两大构想一旦付诸实施 ,其直接效益主要有二 :1.为长江三角洲增加数千平方公里的土地 ;2 .今后可望在宁波 -舟山建成世界超级大港和千万人口级特大城市。更进一步的影响则是在锁海大坝沿线和钱塘江下游沿岸将出现两个新的产业密集带与城镇连绵带 ,从而与现有的沪宁线、沪杭线、萧甬线和长江沿岸城镇带共同构成世界最大的城市连绵区。
In order to resolve the problems concerning Shanghai's lack of a deep-water harbor site and the narrowness of Zhoushan harbor's hinterland, two grand projects are conceived: 1) building a gigantic dam in Hangzhou Bay to reclaim land from the sea, and 2) building a system of communications and water supply spanning the sea between Ningbo and Zhoushan. The implementation of the two projects will result in two direct benefits: 1. an increase of several thousand square kilometers of land for the Yangtze River delta, and 2. a possibility of founding a megalopolis in Ningbo-Zhoushan area, i.e., a city with one of the world's super harbors and a population of over ten million. Further more, it will lead to the emergence of two brand-new industrial and urban belts along the gigantic marine dam and the lower reaches of the Qiantang River, which, together with the cities and towns along the railroads between Shanghai and Nanjing, Shanghai and Hangzhon, and Xiaoshan and Ningbo as well as the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, can form the largest metropolitan cluster in the world.
Tropical Geography
Hangzhou Gulf
A gigantic dam on the sea
Reclaiming land from the sea
Supplying Zhoushan with water from the Quantang River