微重力测量是国际上 70年代形成的新技术 ,它具有精度高 (达 10 -8ms-2 级 )、分辨率高、快速、经济等优点 ,已在诸多领域获得广泛应用。在地球动力学研究中被用来监视地震、火山活动 ,预测它们的发生。在土木工程建设中被用于地基勘测 :探查小断裂、破碎带、地下岩溶、盐溶溶洞、废弃矿坑、管道等的分布 ,预测塌陷等工程灾害 ;探明古墓穴的结构等。在资源勘探中被用于寻找石油、地热、各种金属矿藏、建筑装饰材料等。本文通过一些国内外的实例对上述应用作了介绍。
Microgravimetry is a new technique formed in 1970s, which has features of high accuracy (10 -8 ms -2 ), high resolution, high speed and economic uses So, it has been used in wide fields The technique is used in studies of earth dynamics, such as monitoring and predicting earthquake and volcano It is also used in civil constructions, such as exploring ground foundation, surveying small fault, fissure belt, karst, abandoned pit and pipe distribution, forecasting engineering disaster, and burrowing into old tomb In source exploration it is used to look for oil, geotherm, metallic mineral and decoration materials Application mentioned above is introduced in this paper by actual cases at home and abroad
Journal of Seismological Research
国家自然科学基金!(499740 19)资助项目