
台湾的住宅体系:自由市场和住宅商品化下的居住危机 被引量:2

Taiwan's Housing System: The Crises Under Free Market and Commodification
摘要 台湾的住宅体系建立在自由市场的架构之上,政府的干预手段在于强化住宅的商品性质,以提高房屋自有率为首要目标。在此制度设计下,台湾的住宅有三个特色:高自有率﹑高房价和高空屋率。本文探讨台湾为何会建构出一个极度商品化和自由市场的住宅体系。以政治经济的分析来回顾台湾住宅政策的发展历程,将台湾的国民住宅政策发展分为三个阶段来分析,最后则探讨目前这个商品化的制度下造成的问题,以及2010年兴起的社会住宅运动。 Taiwan’s housing system is built upon the principles of a free market system. Housing policies have been geared towards increasing homeownership. The public housing constructed by the government is primarily for sale and the methods of intervention have enhanced the commodification of housing. Under this policy arrangement, Taiwan’s housing system has a unique combination of high homeownership rates, high housing prices and high vacancy rates. This paper uses political economist analysis to explore the development of public housing policies and the housing problems in Taiwan. The paper also deals with the rise of social housing movement since 2010.
作者 陈怡伶
出处 《国际城市规划》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期10-17,36,共9页 Urban Planning International
关键词 住宅政策 商品化 台湾 自由市场 住宅危机 高房价 社会住宅运动 Housing Policies Commodification Taiwan Free Market Housing Crisis High Housing Prices Social Housing Movement
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