
金融化、城市规划与双向运动:台北版都市更新的冲突探析 被引量:7

Financialization, Urban Planning and Double Movement: Exploring the Conflicts of“Urban Renewal, Taipei Style”
摘要 台北市近年来大力推动都市更新,企图运用城市规划的容积金融化手段,克服和转移都市领域的积累与再生产困局,然而却因为2012年一户人家的拆迁,爆发了激烈的社会运动抵抗。本文指出都市更新容积奖励作为"国家机器"历史地打造的虚拟商品机制,牵涉庞大的利害关系,驱动了家园的强制金融化,加剧了资本对于都市纹理和社群关系的破坏,然其治理所需的制度镶嵌,远超出地方政府的制度能力及可问责性,以至公共利益被粗糙界定,形成对都市社会的巨大破坏力;而作为社会自体防御的都市运动展开结盟抗争,企图将脱缰的金融化都市发展,重新镶嵌到社会可以掌握的范围。 This paper aims to explore the historical constructions and spatial confliction in Taipei’s urban redevelopment regime built upon the plot ratio subsidization from the perspective of financialization and double movement. We found the pro-growth regime created the fictitious rights system of surplus plot value as the leverage to facilitate the real estate investment. However, in achieving the profit rate and efficiency, the regime is lacking of the required institutional embeddedness and accountability for governing the urban redevelopment, resulted in the forced financialization of homestead during the process. The urban social movement upraised to protest against the redevelopment regime through the explosive anti-eviction movement of Wang Family. We argue that the double movement of social self-protection is taking place within this urban process to re-embed the financializing urban development back to the societal embeddedness.
作者 杨友仁
机构地区 东海大学社会系
出处 《国际城市规划》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期27-36,共10页 Urban Planning International
关键词 金融化 都市更新 容积剩余 三重内在紧张关系 家园强制金融化 都市运动 Financialization Urban Renew Surplus Plot Value Triple Internal Tension Forced Financialization of Homestead Urban Movement
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