对夏洛来公牛繁殖性能的分析表明 :初采精以 2 0月龄为宜。采精利用以 3~ 5岁龄精液产量、质量最好 ,6岁后呈下降趋势。一年中春季精液量多质佳 ,冬季次之 ,夏秋二季较差。公牛淘汰年龄 93 4月龄 ,利用年限 70 1月龄。终生均产冻精 890 0 0余粒。制约繁殖性能的因素包括 :年龄、季节、热应激。
The observation on feeding and utilization of Charolais bull revealed that the proper age of semen collection age was at 20 month-old; high semen quality and large semen volume was obtained from 3 to 5 year-old bull, semen quality declined after 6 year-old; semen quality in spring was the best, then Winter, summer and autumn; the average culling age was 93 4 month-old with utility duration of 70 1 months and 89,000 semen pellets The factors affecting reproduction perfrmance inculde age, season, heat stress and disease etc
Journal of Yellow Cattle Science