
建筑安全氛围对安全行为的作用机理——基于DEA方法 被引量:8

Effect of Construction Safety Climate on Safety Behavior——Based on the DEA Method
摘要 针对当前建筑企业安全事故频发的现状,研究建筑安全氛围对员工安全行为的作用机理,以指导企业进行安全绩效改善。由于环境变量的干扰,安全氛围通常不会完全转化为安全行为,其影响过程总会存在投入的损失和浪费。基于数据包络分析(DEA)方法开发出一套三阶段半参数效率评价模型,能对安全氛围向安全行为转化的效率和环境变量的影响程度进行定量分析,并能指导企业进行安全工作的改进。对北京某知名建筑企业的实证研究验证了两类环境变量影响的显著性,识别出引发效率损失的因素(无效因素),据此对参与调研的项目的安全绩效提出了改进建议。 In view of the high frequency of safety accidents in construction, it is proposed to study the impacting mechanism of safety climate on safety behavior, in order to lead construction enterprises to better safety performance. Because of the disturbance of environmental factors, safety climate generally cannot transform to safety behavior completely, i.e. there are losses and wastes during the impacting process. Based on data envelopment analysis (DEA) , a three-staged semi-paramet- ric efficiency evaluation model was proposed to make quantitative analysis of the transforming degree from safety climate to safety behavior. The empirical research focused on a well-known construction enterprise validated the significance of two ex- terually environmental variables, namely the intermediate factors and identified factors, which may lead to efficiency loss. And suggestions safety performance improvement based on the research for was put forward.
出处 《天津大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期400-405,共6页 Journal of Tianjin University:Social Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71203153)
关键词 建筑企业 安全氛围 安全行为 DEA 三阶段半参数效率评价模型 Construction Enterprises safety climate safety behavior safety performance data envelopment analysis the three-staged semi-parametric efficiency evaluation model
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