供上料系统是高炉炼铁车间最基本、同时也是最重要的系统之一。为高炉及时、准确地供应质量优良的原、燃料是实现高炉优质、高产、低耗和长寿的关键。通过介绍、分析马钢4 000m3高炉供上料系统的设计特点,力求为今后高炉供上料系统的设计提供一些有益的启示。
Material feeding and charging is one of the basic and most important systems in the ironmaking plant of a blast furnace. Timely and accurately supplying quality raw materials and fuels to blast furnace is essential to the high production performance, low consumption and long service life of a blast furnace. The design features of the feeding and charging system of Masteel's 4000m^3 blast furnace are analyzed, providing some valuable reference for designing of other BF feeding and charging systems.
Anhui Metallurgy