
围手术期产妇可逆性后部脑病综合征的MRI表现 被引量:2

MRI findings of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in perioperative puerperant
摘要 目的探讨围手术期产妇PRES的MRI表现特点,以提高对该病的认识。方法回顾性分析6例围手术期产妇PRES患者的临床表现和MRI资料。所有患者均接受MRI平扫,2例接受MRI增强扫描,2例行MRA及MRV扫描,4例行MRI平扫复查。结果 6例患者均有子痫前期/子痫期症状,急性起病。MRI呈长或等T1信号长T2信号,T2Flair序列呈更高信号,DWI序列呈等信号,未见强化,血管未见异常。病灶主要累及大脑半球后部白质,多呈对称性分布,脑皮质、基底节等部位也可累及。4例复查MRI平扫基本恢复正常。结论 MRI的T2Flair和DWI序列是其中最重要的两个扫描序列,双侧顶枕叶白质对称性受累是PRES的典型影像表现。 Objective To investigate the MR! features of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in perioperative puerperant in order to improve the knowledge of the disease. Methods The clinical and MRI data of 6 perioperative puerperants with PRES were analyzed retrospectively. All cases received plain MRI scan. 2 cases received enhanced scan. 2 cases received MRA and MRV. 4 cases were reviewed by plain scan. Results All cases had clinical symptoms of eclampsia or pre-eclampsia showed acute onset,transitional hypertension. MRI showed decreased T1 signal and increased T2flair signal. Mainly the white matter of posterior hemisphere was involved in. The diffusion weighted images (DWI) were normal or showed a small focus of restricted diffusion. Enhanced scan,MRA,MRV and the review images were normal. Conclusion T2Flair and DWI are the most important scanning sequence of MRI. Typical findings of PRES is symmetric white matter lesions in bilateral parietal-occipital lobe.
出处 《中国现代医生》 2013年第28期79-81,F0003,共4页 China Modern Doctor
关键词 可逆性后部脑病综合征 磁共振成像 子痫前期 子痫期 Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Magnetic resonance imaging Eelampsidpre-eclampsia
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