Cooling Device Using the Natural Convection, Phase Change of Substance and Capillary Effect
Cooling Device Using the Natural Convection, Phase Change of Substance and Capillary Effect
Paper deals about testing of device with gravity assisted heat pipes and about researching of wick heat pipes used to effective heat transfers from power switches of energy converter. At first, to simulate ambient condition was designed thermostatic chamber where was monitoring temperature course on main parts of cooling device (energy converter, air cooler and heat pipes) at various position of cooling device. It was found, if the cooling device is in tilt position the cooling performance is better. But if the tilt angel of gravity assisted heat pipe is higher the heat transfer is lower. From reason improve heat transfer cooling device at tilt angle are manufactured heat pipes with the sintered, mesh screen and grooved capillary structures and tested their thermal performance at vertical and tilt angel 45~ position by calorimetric method. Article describes manufacturing process and thermal performance measuring method of wick heat pipes. This experiment testify that the wick heat pipe is able operate at tilt angle position than gravity assisted heat pipe and application of wick heat pipes into cooling device will improve his cooling performance.
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