

Comparison of Diameter Determination Methods for Thermosyphon Operated in Absorption Refrigeration Cycles
摘要 在小型无泵吸收式制冷循环中,流型及流态转换研究对于考察热虹吸泵的运行机理及工作性能至关重要。在文献研究的基础上,分析提升管管径对流态影响,对现有管径上、下限公式进行了比较及改进,为热虹吸泵在小型吸收式制冷空调中的应用提供设计参考及理论依据。 Studies on flow patterns and transactions were key issues to investigate the characteristics and performance of thermosyphon (bubble pump) operated in diffusion-absorption refrigeration system. Based on the literature research, influence of lift tube diameter on the flow patterns in bubble pump was elaborately discussed, also some methods had been proposed and ameliorated to determine the range of lift tube diameter, and appropriate recommendations were drawn accordingly. Research results were useful to the further study and design of thermosyphon applied in absorption refrigeration cycles.
出处 《建筑热能通风空调》 2013年第4期23-25,68,共4页 Building Energy & Environment
关键词 吸收式制冷循环 热虹吸泵 提升管直径 流型 absorption refrigeration cycles, thermosyphon, lift tube diameter, flow patterns
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