
女性主义视角下的运动身体理论 被引量:30

Sporting Body Theories under Feminism Perspective
摘要 从20世纪90年代开始,"运动的身体"(sporting body)为女性主义研究开辟了一个新视角,并成为当代女性体育研究的一个重要理论。以女性运动身体理论为对象,通过文献研究,对其理论渊源、形成过程、主要观点进行了论述。首先追溯了此理论建立的两大思想基础——女性主义身体观和身体社会学理论;其次从身体的社会建构、身体体现(embodiment)与解放、身体政治3个维度,阐释了女性主义对运动身体的揭示、解释和诠释;研究结果认为女性运动的身体既是一种社会建构的产物,也是女性解放的身体体现,但同时也受到"知识"、国家主义以及消费主义的监督、管理和控制。此理论为我们洞察、分析、揭示性别与身体、体育运动和社会制度之间的互动以及性别权力关系提供了分析框架。 Since the 1990 s,sporting body has been a new perspective in feminism studies,forming an important theory in the area of women's sports studies.Through literature review,this article analyzed the theoretical origins,formation and main viewpoints of the theory of female sporting body.Firstly,it traced back to the two fundamental thoughts of the theory,namely,the feminist understanding of body and sociological theories of body.Secondly,discussed feminism exploration and interpretation of sporting body in three dimensions——social construction of body,embodiment and emancipation,and body politics,arguing that female sporting body was a social construction as well as an embodied approach of emancipation.It is also controlled by knowledge,nationalism and consumerism.This theory provided us a framework to observe,analyze and uncover the interaction between gender,body,sport and social institutions,and the gender's power relationship.
作者 熊欢
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期30-35,共6页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 国家体育总局体育哲学社会科学研究项目(1912SS13073)
关键词 女性主义 后结构主义 运动身体 身体体现 身体政治 性别权力 feminism post-structuralism sporting body embodiment body politics power of gender
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