:选用 8头起始体重 46± 2kg的大×长×内去势公猪 ,采用 2个 4× 4拉丁方设计 ,运用套算法 (替代法 )测定玉米蛋白粉、豆粕、胡豆、豌豆、菜籽粕、芝麻粕、菜籽饼和棉籽粕 8种我国常用植物性蛋白饲料的表观消化能 (ADE)。被测饲料按不同的替代量 (2 0 %~ 5 0 % )配制成CF、NDF、ADF及CP的含量具有一定梯度的试验饲粮 ,测定饲粮、饲料的CF、NDF、CP、Ash、EE及GE的含量 ,计算出NFE和SCHO ,探讨这些指标与实测DE的回归关系 ,以及所建预测公式的应用效果和范围。结果表明 :1 猪植物性蛋白饲料消化能值回归预测中 ,纤维指标是最重要的预测因子 ,其中ADF是最佳预测因子。 2 最佳的预测方程为 :(1 )DE(kcal/kgDM ) =35 2 6 76 4-4 4 2 5 6ADF + 1 2 92 2SCHO + 5 347CP (R2 =0 988RSD =6 7 9P <0 0 1 ) ;(2 )DE(kcal/kgDM ) =5 31 6 5 6 6 - 5 0 1 43ADF + 6 41 2SCHO - 0 2 6 0GE (R2 =0 989RSD=6 6 9P <0 0 1 )。 (3)
Two Latin square designed trials were taken on 8 castrated male pigs (initial body wieght: 46±2kg) to determine the Apparent Digestible Energy (ADE) of corn gluten meal,soybean meal (sol ), broad bean, pea, rapeseed meal (sol ), sesame meal sol ), rapeseed meal (exp ) and cotton seed meal (sol ) by difference method Using different amount of these test feeds (20%~50%), diets with certain gradients of CF, NDF, ADF and CP contents were formulated After analyzing the content of CF, NDF, CP, Ash, EE and GE in the diets and the test feeds, and caculating the NFE and SCHO, the regression relationship between these parameters and the ADE were analysed, the applying effects and limits of the regression equations were discussed as well It was concluded that:(1) Fibre in diets or feeds was the most important factor in estimating the ADE of plant protein supplement with pigs, and of all the fibre factors, ADF was the best one (2) The most effective 1 factor, 2 factor, 3 factor and 4 factor regression equations were: DE(kcal/kg DM)=4287 217-57 105ADF (R 2=0 900 RSD=163 0 P<0 01) DE(kcal/kg DM)=7544 584-51 690ADF-0 714GE (R 2=0 975 RSD=88 1 P<0 01) DE(kcal/kg DM)=3526 764-44 256ADF+12 922SCHO+5 347CP (R 2=0 988 RSD=67 9 P<0 01) (recommended) DE(kcal/kg DM)=5316 566-50 143ADF+6 412SCHO-0 260GE (R 2=0 989 RSD=66 9 P<0 01) (recommended) DE(kcal/kg DM)=4710 653+3 942CP-445 806ADF-0 216GE+9 777SCHO (R 2=0 990 RSD=71 3 P<0 01) Among these equations 3 factor equation was the most effective one (3)The regression equations listed above can also be used to estimate all the plant protein supplements published by NRC(1998)and the effects of these equations were better than those recommended by NRC(1998)
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
plant protein suppl
digestible energy