CEO Turnover in Dual-Path Career: An Examination of Followers' Power
CEO Turnover in Dual-Path Career: An Examination of Followers' Power
This paper highlights the internecine struggle within the top management team in listed companies in China. Drawing on a power perspective, we longitudinally examine the antecedents of CEO dismissal followed by inside succession in dual-path CEO career. It examines the influence of followers' power on the dismissal of incumbent CEO and demonstrates the liability of newness and outsiderness, which is strengthened by the power of followers. It also highlights conflicts of interest and team and the joint effects of followers' and outsiderness. competition within the top management power on both the liability of newness
This paper highlights the internecine struggle within the top management team in listed companies in China. Drawing on a power perspective, we longitudinally examine the antecedents of CEO dismissal followed by inside succession in dual-path CEO career. It examines the influence of followers' power on the dismissal of incumbent CEO and demonstrates the liability of newness and outsiderness, which is strengthened by the power of followers. It also highlights conflicts of interest and team and the joint effects of followers' and outsiderness. competition within the top management power on both the liability of newness
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5林跃.健全人才培养机制 建立高素质人才队伍[J].经营管理者,2010(2X):172-172.