介绍了淬火介质冷却特性测试的方法及相关标准。目前国内已广泛执行ISO 9950测试标准,实现了与国际接轨,但该标准在执行过程中存在诸多问题,导致国内不同实验室的测量结果不能进行对比,同时测试结果的重复性和再现性较差。本文对ISO 9950测试标准的部分问题进行了汇总,并针对性提出了标准修订的建议和方法。
The test methods of cooling characteristic and relevant standards for quenchants are introduced. Currently, ISO 9950 standard has been widely executed at home and achieved the joint with international standards. But this standard brings many problems during execution, the measurement results of different laboratories can not be compared, and repeatability and reproducibility of testing results are poorer. In this paper, we collect the subproblem of ISO 9950 test standard and provide purposefully amendments.
Heat Treatment Technology and Equipment