目的了解广州市两种不同职业流动人口结核病防治知识知晓情况,为今后进一步开展流动人口结核病防治健康教育工作提供科学依据。方法采用整群随机抽样的方法,对从事建筑和环卫工作的两种职业共300名流动人口的结核病防治相关知识的知晓情况进行问卷调查。结果调查对象结核病防治相关知识的总知晓率为69.53%。其中不同学历群体知晓率有差异,知晓率随着学历的增高而增高,小学及以下学历低于初中学历人群(χ2=12.161 846,P=0.000 488),初中学历低于高中及以上学历人群(χ2=9.744 762,P=0.001 798),小学及以下学历低于高中学历人群(χ2=23.572 656,P=0.000 001);不同年龄组之间知晓率有差异,17~岁年龄组人群高于32~岁年龄组人群(χ2=7.335 050,P=0.006 762),32~岁年龄组人群与47~岁年龄组人群知晓率无差异,17~32岁年龄组人群与47岁以上年龄组人群知晓率无差异;不同职业、性别人群之间知晓率无差异。结论外来建筑工人和环卫工人的结核病防治知识知晓率较低,影响结核病相关知识知晓率的因素主要是文化程度以及年龄,当前该人群的结核病知识获得途径与需求量并不完全相同,应加强流动人口结核病的宣传教育力度,尤其是低学历中年人群,改变宣传教育方式,完善宣传教育内容,以提高该人群结核病知识知晓率。
OBJECTIVE To understand the two different floating population TB prevention and treatment of knowledge and provide a scientific basis for further development of TB prevention and control of the floating population health education 1in Guangzhou City.METHODS A cluster random sampling method,the two professions in the construction and sanitation of 300 mobile population of TB prevention and control knowledge awareness questionnaire.RESULTS The results of the survey of TB prevention and treatment of related knowledge the total rate of 69.53%.Different degree of awareness group have difference,along with the degree of increased awareness and heighten.Primary and the secondary academic education below the crowd(χ2=12.161 846,P=0.000 488).Junior high school degree below high school background or above the crowd(χ2=9.744 762,P=0.001 798).Primary school and the high school education degree below the crowd(χ2=23.572 656,P=0.000 001).T there are differences between different age groups,the crowd 17~years old age group is higher than the crowd 32~years old age group(χ2=7.33 5 050,P=0.006 762).32~age group and 47 people-age group among the crowd there is no difference,1~732 years old age groups with 47 people above age group no difference among the crowd.With professional,there is no difference between gender crowd awareness.CONCLUSION Low knowledge awareness of TB prevention and control of the conclusion of construction workers and sanitation workers,the factors affecting the TB-related knowledge awreness,education level and age,current TB knowledge in the croud way to get and demand are not the same.We should strengthen the flating population TB publicity and education efforts,particularly in the poorly-educated middle-aged crowd,to change the publicity and education,improve the content of public education iin order to improve the TB knowledge among the gronp.
Chinese Primary Health Care
floating population
aware ness of the situation