
论信息中介在现代交易中的重要作用及其制度需求——以先合同信息披露义务的扩张为背景 被引量:3

On the Important Role of Information Intermediary in Modern Transaction and Institutional Demand:Based on the Expansion of Precontractual Duty to Disclose Information
摘要 近年来,先合同信息披露义务在各国立法和司法实务中呈现出了扩张发展的趋势。在市场交易条件日益复杂的现代交易中,该义务确能缩减交易双方间信息不对称的程度,但却同时产生了不少阻却信息被有效使用的障碍,而且该义务也存在着一些自身所无法克服的缺陷。信息中介由于具备信息处理优势,能对克服这些障碍和缺陷起到重要作用,因此在制度建构层面,应围绕信息中介的特点提供足够的制度供给,以促进其快速发展,使扩张先合同信息披露义务的立法目的得以真正实现。 In recent years, the precontractual duty to disclose information has been expanded in many countries' legal systems. In modem transactions which are more and more complicated, although this duty can shorten the gap caused by information asymmetry, it also creates some obstacles which preclude the information from being used ef- fectively and has some defects which can not be overcome by itself. However, information intermediary can play an important role in overcoming the defects and removing the obstacles because of its advantages in processing informa- tion. In order to realize the legislative purpose of expanding the precontractual duty to disclose information, it is very important to consider the characteristics of information intermediary and build up a proper institution to acceler- ate its development during legal institution constructing.
作者 张铣
出处 《华南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期5-11,共7页 Journal of South China University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 先合同信息披露义务 信息中介 声誉机制 the precontractual duty to disclose information information intermediary reputation mechanism
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