
厄德里克《痕迹》的深层生态视角解读 被引量:1

A Reading of the Relationship between Native Americans and Nature in Erdrich’s Tracks from the Perspective of Deep Ecology
摘要 面对白人社会及其文化的侵蚀,坚守传统文化,心怀万物平等观念,视自我为人类共同体、大地共同体一份子的印第安人,达到了人性与自然世界之本性的相融相合,实现的是深层生态学提倡的"生态自我",而切断了与自然、部落文化的关联,被西方文化同化的印第安人实现的是非生态的"小我",从而导致身份危机;印、白两种文化对土地和自然解读的巨大差异是导致印第安社会环境危机和生存危机的深层根源。 Under the influence of western culture, the Indians who stick to ethnic and cultural traditions, regard themselves as one part of the whole world, establish a broad and deep "ecological self" advocated by deep ecology, while those who cut off the connection with the tribal land and totally blend into the western culture only achieve a "minimal self", thus leading to identity crisis. Native Americans and whites present different cultural values in land ethics, as well as the relationship between human and nature, and this is the deep roots of environmental and survival crisis of Native American society.
作者 张明兰
出处 《江苏技术师范学院学报》 2013年第3期41-46,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology
关键词 《痕迹》 深层生态学 生态自我 自我实现 印第安文化 tracks deep ecology ecological self self-realization Native American culture
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