

Gorgeous Profound or Miraculous Unfettered——A Comparative Study of the Romantic Spirit between William Blake and Qu Yuan
摘要 本文对中西浪漫主义诗人屈原和布莱克作如下四方面的对比性探讨:(1)从创作主旨来看,两者均体现出强烈的爱国主义理想,不过,屈原流露出悲伤哀怨的感情,布莱克洋溢着追求个性自由的飘逸风貌。(2)从美学角度来看,两者在主客关系上均彰显了主体性。屈原在对社会理想的探索中,表达了对现实的悲慨愤激之情,涵融了一种绮谲和深沉的美;布莱克致力于追求超越性的奇妙心灵家园,在自由的信仰中体现出一种积极性的逍遥。(3)从文化原型意象来说,两者均重视大自然和民族文化与民间文化传统,其创作均具有神话色彩,屈原呈现悲剧性的黯淡,而布莱克则显示鲜明的火红。(4)在诗歌文体形式上,两位诗人均开创一代先河。屈原创造了中国文学史上的重要诗歌体裁——"骚体";布莱克的作品是多种文体形式的叠加与融合,在英国诗人中率先创造性地使用了自由诗体。 Qu Yuan and William Blake present roughly similar poetic styles; however, due to different influences of the times, ethnics, and geographical and cultural background, as well as their own living experience, individual temperament and mode of thinking, the two poets also display strikingly heterogeneous features of romanticism in their works. This article offers a comparative study in four aspects. Firstly, in terms of purposes of writing, both poets express strong patriotic ideals. Nonetheless, Qu reveals a plaintive tone while an ethereal flow runs over Blake in his pursuit of individual freedom. Secondly, in the aesthetic realm, both present a sense of subjectivity in the subject-object relationship. Qu, in searching ideal forms of society, conveys sorrowful, indignant emotions towards the reality with a mixture of gorgeous profound beauty; while Blake, appealing to a transcending spiritual home of miracles and wonders, embodies a positive sense of unfettered human mind of imagination. Thirdly, in terms of cultural archetypal images, as both poets value the nature and the heritage of national and folk culture, they demonstrate a mythological color; Qu, being tragically gloomy, and Blake bright with flaming fire. Fourthly, both poets represent the pioneering source of Chinese and British poetry in poetic forms; Qu, as the creator of the "sao style" while Blake, the first to employ free verse in the history of British poetry, with a superposition and blending of different forms of poetry in addition to his illuminated books.
作者 唐梅秀 周融
出处 《西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2013年第5期18-21,33,共5页 Journal of Xihua University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)
关键词 布莱克 屈原 浪漫主义精神 Blake Qu Yuan romantic spirit
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