
拔牙位点保存技术 被引量:10

The technique of site preservation after extracting the tooth.
摘要 拔牙位点保存技术是为了预防及减少牙槽嵴的废用性萎缩吸收及牙龈乳头的退缩,使牙槽嵴骨量的高度、宽度及密度满足后期种植的需要,并使牙龈乳头恢复正常高度以满足美学要求的一种方法。本文就拔牙后牙槽窝的生理性变化、牙槽骨及软组织的保存方法及现有的植骨材料做一介绍。 The technique of site preservation after ex- tracting the tooth is a method which prevents and reduces dis- use atrophy absorption of the alveolar ridge and retraction of the gingival nipple, so that height, width and density of the al- veolar bone can meet the needs of post-implanting, and it canrestore normal gingival papilla height to meet the aesthetic re- quirements. In this paper, we make an introduction about tooth socket physiological change, alveolar bone and soft tis- sues preservation methods after extracting the tooth and the ex- isting bone graft material.
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2013年第7期395-399,共5页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
基金 辽宁省自然科学基金(20092093) 沈阳市科技计划项目基金(F11-264-1-25)
关键词 位点保存 牙槽骨 骨吸收 植骨材料 即刻种植 site preservation alveolar bone bone resorp-tion graft material immediate implant
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