
视觉空间注意定向对数学学优生与学困生数字加工SNARC效应的影响 被引量:2

Research of Influences of Visual-Spatial Attention Orientations on the SNARC Effect of Number Processing of Mathematical Superior and Inferior Students
摘要 采用内源性和外源性注意定向实验范式,材料为1~9的阿拉伯数字,以判断目标数字奇偶为任务,考察视觉空间注意定向对数学学优生与学困生数字加工SNARC效应的影响,结果发现:1)内源性和外源性注意定向条件下,与数学学困生相比,学优生在数字判断加工任务中的反应时更短;2)内源性有效线索提示条件下,数学优、困生均表现出显著的SNARC效应,但内源性无效线索提示条件下,只有学优生的SNARC效应明显,而数学学困生的SNARC效应不显著;3)外源性有效线索提示条件下,学优生表现出显著的SNARC效应,但外源性无效线索提示条件下,学优生的SNARC效应不明显,而学困生无论是在外源性有效线索提示还是在无效线索提示条件下的SNARC效应均不显著. In the present study,the experimental paradigms of endogenous and exogenous attention orientations were used to investigate the influences of visual-spatial attention orientation on the SNARC effect of number processing of mathematical superior and inferior students.The stimuli were numbers(1~9) in Arabic.Subjects' task was to decide whether the presented number was odd or even.The results showed that mathematical inferior students performed more slowly than mathematical superior students on the behavioral performance in the endogenous and exogenous attention orientations,that in valid condition of endogenous attention orientation,both mathematical superior and inferior students showed significant SNARC effect,but in invalid condition of endogenous attention orientation,only mathematical superior students performed significant SNARC effect while mathematical inferior students did not,and that in valid cue condition of exogenous attention orientation,mathematical superior students showed significant SNARC effect,but in invalid condition of endogenous attention orientation,they exhibited no significant SNARC effect,while mathematical inferior students exhibited no significant SNARC effect either in valid or in invalid conditions of exogenous attention orientation.
作者 潘运 白学军
出处 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期165-171,共7页 Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31260234) 贵州省科学技术基金资助项目(黔科合J字[2013]2210号)
关键词 注意定向 数字加工 SNARC效应 数学学优生 数学学困生 attention orientation number processing SNARC effect mathematical superior student mathematical inferior student
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