We colleted twenty-two primary disease plants of Banana bunchy top-like from the dongguan city andPanyu county, Kwangtung province in April-May 1988. With electron microscope examined the phloen tissuesof the leaf vein of these, the MLO was found in the sieve tube and companion and parenchyma cells. It waspolymorphis and spherical or oval in shape. It's diameter ranged from 78-323nm and trilamiar unit membranewas 8-12nm thick. It was clear the nuclearstands inside the organism. It was never found in eight healthy plants. When the diseased plants of Banana were injected with tetracycline-HCL (0.50-1.00million units perplant), the diseased symptoms disappeared slowly after 10-15 days. It recovered normal growth and remainedfor 2-3 months.
Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society