The paper describes the CCD-stereo camera's novel techniques used in China's two around-lunar reconnaissances and compares similar images of lunar terrain obtained by foreign cameras. The paper also details CCD stereo-camera's overall scheme, i.e. synthetically integrating techniques of "same orbit stereo-imaging with two sight angles, TDICCD pushing scan and velocity/height ratio compensation" . It in- cludes the requirement analysis of the sensibility and imaging dynamical range for the sake of engineering and science goals. The overall scheme is established on the basis of the requirement analysis, including the optimizing designs with optics, machine and electronics and imaging capability analysis for this scheme. The scheme can fulfill the mission goals. The paper introduces the technical difficulties with time-delay-integration CCD for lunar high resolution stereo-imaging and the countermeasures employed, especially discusses the scheme and way for velocity/height ratio compensation and gives the executed validation on orbit. Finally, it shows several clear images of Iridum area with resolution of 1.3m and of global lunar images with resolution of 7m. The results indicate that these techniques employed are effective, and China has reached international ad- vanced level: the global lunar images with 7m GSD are of the highest resolution in the world and represents the obviously progress in the stereo-camera techniques for lunar reconnaissance.
Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing
time-delayed-integration charged coupled deviced
velocity/height rate compensation
sameorbit stereo-imaging
high resolution
space camera
Chinese lunar exploration project