
如何利用广义量词的语义性质判断扩展三段论的有效性 被引量:9

How to Judge the Validity of Extended Syllogisms by Semantic Properties of Generalized Quantifiers
摘要 在国内外最新研究成果的基础上,笔者通过对文中的定理和推论的证明,主要说明了以下几点:(1)利用广义量词的相关语义性质,比如单调性和对称性,既可以解释亚氏三段论的有效性,又可以解释带有广义量词的扩展三段论的有效性;(2)一些有效的扩展三段论仅仅表征了广义量词的左或右单调性,还有一些有效的扩展三段论同时表征了广义量词的多个语义性质;(3)利用广义量词的东南或西北或西南或东北方向的单调性可以判断一些带有限制条件的扩展三段论的有效性。此研究将有利于广义量词理论的发展,对于计算机科学中的知识表示和知识推理的研究都具有较为重要的理论价值和实践意义。 On the basis of the latest related researches,we prove some new theorems and corollaries,which indicate:(1) The validity of Aristotelian syllogisms and validities of extended with generalized quantifiers can be explained by their corresponding semantic properties(such as monotonicity and symmetry);(2) Some valid extended syllogisms manifest right/left monotonicity,while some others simultaneously manifest many semantic properties of generalized quantifiers;(3) The validity of some extended syllogisms with additional conditions can be judged by Southeast/Northwest/Southwest/Northeast monotonicity.This study will be helpful to the development of generalized quantifier theory,having important theoretical value and practical significance for knowledge representation and reasoning in computer science.
出处 《逻辑学研究》 CSSCI 2013年第2期42-56,共15页 Studies in Logic
基金 教育部人文社科研究规划项目“面向自然语言信息处理的广义量词理论研究”(编号为:12YJA72040001)
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