X波段双极化雷达的外场观测较少见 ,用成都市人工防雹降雨办公室 1999年 8、9两月双极化雷达的降水资料 ,对成都地区的对流云和层状云降水进行了水平剖面和垂直剖面的散射图分析 ,结果表明X波段Zh Zdr平面散射图与C波段和S波段的散射图类似 ;在 0度层上下的散射图变化清楚地反映了云中粒子的态相变化 ,这将为人工影响天气的科学作业和效果检验提供新的依据。
The X brand dual polarization radar field observation is seldom made. The scatter characteristics of precipitation of stratiform and convection cloud in Zh Zdr plane is analyzed using the precipitation data in August and September of 1999 in Chengdu. The results show that it is similar to the characteristics of c band and s band. Near 0℃ isotherm the Zh Zdr scattergrams show the transition between ice particle and water in cloud clearly. This provides a new tool for the scientific operation and efficiency test in hail suppression and rain enhancement.