Objective To evaluate immunological and virological efficacy of the China's national free highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in 816 treatment-naive HIV/AIDS adults. Methods The study enrolled 816 treat- ment-naive HIV/AIDS patients initiated with antiretroviral treatment (ART) in our hospital. Immunological and virological efficacy was analyzed before and after ART. Results Of the 816 patients, 749 (91.8%) were male and the mean age was 32 years (range, 19 to 70 years). The main transmission route was unprotected sex among men who have sex with men (681, 83%). After 48 weeks of ART, the median CD4 cell counts of 816 patients increased from 233 eells/μL to 437 cells/μL. Patients with CD4 cells less than 200 cells/μL dropped from 39.7% 12.5%, those with CD4 cells 201-350 cells/μL dropped from 50.2 % to 26.2%, and those with CD4 cells greater than 350 eetls/μL increased from 10.0% to 61.3%. The median viral load decreased from 13 490 copies/mL to 42 copies/mL and 90.9% patients achieved vi ral load less than 50 eopies/mL at 48 weeks. Conclusion The current China's national ART regimens are effective. ART should be actively promoted to improve the health of HIV infected patients.
Beijing Medical Journal