20 0 0年 6月 1 3~ 2 4日中国地震局青年科技代表团赴土耳其、希腊进行了地震工作考察 ,文章介绍了这次考察的概况 ,并根据考察期间了解的情况 ,较详细地介绍了土耳其伊兹米特地震和土耳其地震研究工作 ,希腊的地震研究和雅典中强地震 ;欧洲工程地震学与地震工程及地震学实验场 ;科林斯地震预报实验场 。
The Youth Scientific and Technological Delegation of CSB went to Turkey and Greece for seismological investigations from June 13 to 24.This paper outlines the visit and investigations by the delegation,gives a more detailed description of the Izmit earthquake and seismological research work in Turkey;seismological research in Greece and the medium strong earthquake occurring in Athens,the European Test Site for Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering and Seismology,the earthquake preparedness and disaster reduction work in these two countries
Recent Developments in World Seismology