在建始北部 1∶5万地质填图中 ,调查了该区二叠纪的 3个硒异常层位———孤峰组、吴家坪组和大隆组。在硒异常层或其下伏层位中发现有基性火山碎屑沉积 ,硒的含量与基性火山碎屑在地层序列与平面展布上呈正比。从地质时代的一致性上反映硒的来源与西南地区峨眉山玄武岩喷发或风化作用有关。硒含量变化与海平面升降曲线表现出正相关 ,在最大海泛面处达最大值。大的容纳空间和水体能量较低的环境 ,利于有机碳质大量吸附硒 ,造成硒的富集。
During 1∶50 000 geological mapping in the northern part of Jianshi, Hubei, the authors investigated three Permian selenium anomaly horizons—the Gufeng, Wujiaping and Dalong Formations—in the area. Basic pyroclastic rocks were found in the selenium anomaly horizons or their underlying horizons. The selenium content is positively proportional to basic pyroclastic rocks in the stratigraphic sequence and in plan distribution. The consistency of the geologic ages suggests that the selenium source is related to eruption or weathering of the Emeishan basalt in Southwest China. The selenium content variation displays a positive correlation with the sea level fluctuation curve, with the selenium content reaching a maximum at the highest marine flooding surface. The large hosting space and the environment with relative flow water body energy as well as the use of organic carbon to absorb a significant amount of selenium result in enrichment of selenium.
Regional Geology of China