This paper provides a theoretical perspective on an art museum as an ecosystem, drawing on the ecological perspective described by Gregory Bateson. Thisperspective views individuals, human soci- eties, and nature as interconnected and interdependent through communicative networks. Museums fit nicely into this paradigm in that staff members, departments, collections, mission statements, visitors, and other cultural and educational institutions are linked together, influencing and being influenced byeach other. The operational systems of many museums, however, are hierarchical and non - communica- tive. As a result, knowledge and ideas are not efficiently shared and transformed among museum profes- sionals and the communities they serve. These museum practices have excluded diverse perspectives and neglected the interests of underrepresented people. Through hypothesizing the ecological museum model, I provide an alternative museum management and educational model that sees museums as holistic and e- cological institutions as part of their larger communities and societies. By introducing this theoretical mod- el, I hope to influence museum discourse in ways that make museum practices more inclusive.
Studies in Culture and Art