
经济危机时期英国的移民报道及其对中国的启示——从广州媒体报道非洲黑人说起 被引量:1

British Media's Coverage of Immigrants and Its enlightenment to Chinese Media: Basing on the Event of Africans' Protest in Guangzhou
摘要 2009年7月15日广州黑人冲击派出所,以及随后网上对《东方天使》的参赛者"黑女孩"娄婧的一些讨论,使得黑人群体受到全国媒体乃至世界媒体的关注,境外媒体称"中国首次爆发了有关种族歧视的不同寻常的公开讨论","中国人对黑人抱有天真的种族主义"。与此同时,移民大国——英国国内关于移民的讨论也达到了白热化的程度,移民报道在文化与政治领域的重要性得到了前所未有的关注。通过分析经济危机时期英国媒体的移民报道策略、成因和危害,并与中国媒体的黑人报道做简单比较,以期为正在走向世界的中国传媒以启示。 Several hundred black people gathered in front of the police station in Guangzhou on July 15, 2009, and were angry about the death of an African man, who had committed suicide to avoid a passport check several days earlier. The event suddenly drew attention from the media in China even abroad. The U.S. Wall Street Journal wrote that Chinese people were " for the first time, engaging in unusual public dialogue about racism in a country where prejudice has long been seen as a foreign problem. " At the same time, the discussion on issue of immigrants and media coverage in Britain became more and more severe at the era of global economy crisis. This paper analyzes the British media's strategy, reason and shortcoming of their coverage about immigrants, and compares it with Chinese media's coverage of Afri- cans in Guangzhou, to gain enlightenment from it.
作者 党芳莉
出处 《唐都学刊》 2013年第5期82-86,共5页 Tangdu Journal
基金 2011年教育部人文社会研究青年项目"全球化时代我国媒体的非洲移民报道与网络舆论研究"(11YJC860008)
关键词 英国 移民报道 广州黑人 启示 British media coverage of immigrants Black Africans in Guangzhou Enlightenment Chi- nese Media
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