
小口径双金属药型罩EFP的侵彻效应研究 被引量:2

The Study on Penetration of Small Caliber Bimetallic Liner EFP
摘要 为提高小口径EFP的侵彻效应及其稳定性,该文以其成型机理为基础,进行了双金属药型罩的材料选用和形状确定,并在材料、形状、装药结构以及药型罩整体厚度不变的条件下,对不同Cu、Al厚度比的双金属药型罩进行了静破甲试验研究及其侵彻稳定性评估,结果表明:Cu、Al厚度比为1∶1.5时,EFP的形状理想,侵彻效果理想且稳定。 In this paper, in order to increase penetration effect and stability of small-bore EFP, the metal liner was designed according to the formed theory of EFP. The metal materials were chosen and the frame of liner was designed. In ease of same shaped charge and same frame and same whole thickness of liner, the relation among liner' s thickness ratio of copper and aluminum and the EFP' s power and stability were studied through experiment. The results of experiments show that the ideal EFP will be made when liner' s thickness ratio of copper and aluminum is 1: 1.5, and its power is steady.
出处 《弹箭与制导学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期83-86,共4页 Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance
基金 国家自然科学基金(11072222)资助
关键词 爆炸力学 EFP Cu—Al双金属药型罩 侵彻 explosive mechanics EFP the copper-aluminum liner penetration
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