
同步感应线圈炮实验与仿真研究 被引量:3

Experimental and Simulation Study on Synchronous Induction Coilgun
摘要 为了验证多级同步感应线圈炮的发射能力,测试仿真结果的准确性,设计了小规模的4级同步感应线圈发射系统。该系统由发射器、脉冲功率电源、测控系统和弹丸组成。四级单线圈组件串联排列形成发射器身管,每级线圈由单独的脉冲功率电源供电,时序放电产生的磁场加速弹丸。测试系统测量弹丸的位置,精确控制电源的顺序导通放电。对两种形式的弹丸进行了发射试验,利用该发射系统将650g的圆筒型弹丸加速到125 m/s,效率为6%,将1kg的圆筒型弹丸加速到92m/s,效率为5%。试验结果证明了该发射系统的发射能力,验证了模型的准确性和可行性,为下一步大规模多级发射器的设计提供了工程基础。 To demonstrate the multi-stage induction launch capability and test the accuracy of the simulation result, a small-scale, 4-stage synchronous induction coilgun has been designed, fabricated, and tested. This system consists of launcher, pulsed power supply, firing control system, The four coils are stacked end-to-end forming a barrel, and each coil is energized by the identical pulsed power supply in sequence to create a traveling magnetic wave that accelerate a projectile. Inductance of the four coils is tailored by changing the number of turns in order to decrease the pulsed current risetime. Tracking of the projectile location during launching provides precise feedback to control when the coils were triggered to create this wave. Two types of the projectiles were tested. A 0.65 kilogram sleeve projectile was accel- erated from rest to 125 m/s with a projectile kinetic energy to capacitor stored energy efficiency of 6%. A 1-kilogram sleeve projectile was accelerated from rest to 92m/s with the efficiency of 5%. The solenoid projectile was broken at the bending point when it was induced high current. This launcher provides data for model verification and the engineering basis for proceeding with larger multi-stage system.
出处 《弹箭与制导学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期185-188,共4页 Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance
关键词 电气工程 同步感应线圈炮 发射器 有限元仿真 electrical engineering synchronous induction coil-gun launcher finite element simulation
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