基于Casio fx-9860G SD型计算器的特性,笔者利用VS2008开发出能够读取、处理维地道路系统生成的Excel直曲表,并能生成计算器能读取的线元串列数据库文件的软件。然后利用生成的串列文件在计算器中进行线路任意里程正反算。实现了公路平面设计参数的自动转换、输入。本文着重介绍软件开发、工程实例中遇到的问题和解决方法。通过多个工程实践证明,该系统可以很好地帮助测量技术人员快速、准确地进行横断面测量、线路中边桩放样、线路地形图等工作,提高了线路测量的效率和规范性。
Based on the characteristics of Casio fx -9860G SD calculator, the author uses VS2008 software to develop a software which is able to read and process the line and curve Excel table which is generated by Hint CAD, and is able to generate hst files which can be read by this calculator. Thereby using the list file, the calculator can calculate the direct the coordinate of highway of random mileage directly and inversely. Highway design parameters can be converted and input into the calculator automatically. This article focuses on the problems during development, engineering and practices. A number of engineering practices have proved that the system can be. very helpful to the surveying technicians to survey the cross - section, stakes for line, relief map for line and other work rapidly and accurately. And this system can improve surveying work efficiently and normatively.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology