
直线发动机系统开发及起动怠速实验研究 被引量:1

Development of Linear Engine System and an Experimental Study on Its Start and Idle Operations
摘要 依据直线发动机发电机系统设计思路,自主搭建了一套直线发动机系统,并对其进行起动和怠速实验。结果表明,直线发动机可顺利点火起动,首循环即可着火;可在1 450r/min稳定怠速运转;点火时刻较为提前时,燃烧瞬时放热率出现双峰现象;怠速平均指示压力的均值为0.42MPa,缸压峰值的平均值为2.86MPa;二者的循环变动率皆约为4%。 Based on the design concept of linear engine-generator system, a linear engine system is de- signed and constructed autonomously, and its starting and idling experiments are conducted. The results show that the linear engine can start smoothly. The mixture burns in the first ignition cycle and the engine runs stably at an i- dle speed of 1450r/min. With a more advanced ignition timing, double peaks appears on the instantaneous heat re- lease rate curve. In idling condition, the average of mean indicated pressure is 0. 42MPa and that of peak cylinder pressure is 2. 86MPa, and the cycle variation rate for both parameters is about 4%.
出处 《汽车工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期759-762,768,共5页 Automotive Engineering
基金 上海市科委项目(08DZ1207700) 上海市重点学科建设项目(B303)资助
关键词 直线发动机 起动 怠速 循环变动率 linear engine starting idling cycle variation rate
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