江苏省角直镇由 2 0年前一个落后贫穷的无名小镇 ,迅速发展成为集历史文化与外向型经济为一体的物质文明与精神文明共同进步的中国名镇。其发展历程的典型意义在于 :更新观念 ,树立强烈的创新意识 ;经济建设由封闭走向开放 ;经济与社会协调发展 。
Luzhi Town in Jiangsu Provice, a poor unknown small town twenty years ago, has grown rapidly into a famous China town characterized by the integration of historical culture and export oriented economy and the unity of material civilization and spiritual civilization. The typical significance of its development consists in its renewing conceptions,establishing innovational conssiousness,economic construction from a closed type to an open type, the harmonious development of economy and society and the joint progress of the two civilizations.
Journal of Xuchang Teachers College(Social Science Edition)