供热管网设计不合理或者循环泵选型不合理,在供暖运行过程中会造成很大的能源浪费。以北苑家园为对象进行了供热管网节能改造方案设计。通过前期对该项目的调查,参照项目供暖季的运行记录,对一次网和二次网管路进行了水力计算,提出了节能改造方案,估算了改造费用和节能收益。一次网循环泵由3用3备改为2用1备,改造费用为220 434.8元,初步估算1个供暖季可节约电费约221 184元,1个供暖季即可收回投资资金,从第2个供暖季开始收益;对二次网高低区10个环路中7个环路的循环泵进行了改造,改造费用为408 800.1元,预计1个供暖季可节约电费398 131.2元,1.03个供暖季可收回成本,同样从第2个供暖季开始收益。对第5区板式换热器进行了改造,以提高供暖的安全性。
A lot of energy waste is caused in the heating operation process, if heating supply network design or circulating pump selection is not reasonable. An energy saving reconstruction project was conducted for Beiyuan heat supply network. Hydraulic calculation of heating network and secondary network was firstly brought out through the prophase survey of the project and reference running records of a heating season. Then the energy saving reconstruction scheme was put forward and the reconstruction cost and energy saving benefits were estimated. Network cir- culating pumps changed from 3 service 3 standby to 2 service 1 standby. The transformation cost was ~220434. 8. According to a Preliminary estimate, a heating season can save electricity cost about ~221184. This meant that a heating season could withdraw investment funds and from the second heating season began to income. The circulating pumps in 7 loops of the secondary network were also carried on the transformation. The transformation cost was ~408 800.1. It was expected a heating season could save electricity cost Y398 131.2. This meant the cost cou be recovered by 1.03 heating season and from the second heating season began to income also. addition, the fifth zone plate heat exchanger was reformed in order to improve the safety heating supply.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology
central heating
district heat supply
heating network
energy saving reconstruction