
57000DWT散货船整船下水浮船坞浮态下持续变载精度测量方法 被引量:1

One Accuracy Measure Method of The Floating Dock With Last Changing Load for 57 000 DWT Bulk Carrier Launching
摘要 公司建造57 000 DWT散货船采用浮船坞下水方案,由于下水作业流程较为复杂,涉及环节较多,存在多种问题交叉出现风险。本文提出在拉移过程中,通过选择不同的监测点及转移基准平面的方法,实时反映浮船坞状态指导浮坞中央控制室调载,保证坞内滑道与码头滑道底板对接直线度及水平度,为整船下水精度及安全性提供保障。 The company adopt mechanical --floating dock launching program while building 57000 Bulk Carrier. As the working technological process is complex, and it relates kinds of work, there would exist the risk that different problems intersecting appear. This article comes up with a measure method that supplied the guarantee for the accuracy and the safety while launching, which according choosing different monitor point and diverting basic plane, reflecting the current state of the dock to guides the center control room of the dock adjusting the blasting to ensure the straightness and the levelness of the butt between the slipway in dock and the pier.
作者 任亮 焦海军
出处 《广东造船》 2013年第4期56-58,共3页 Guangdong shipbuilding
关键词 散货船 下水 浮船坞 全站仪 监测 Bulk carrier Launching Floating dock Electronic Total Station Monitor
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