西蒙效应(Simon effect)是动作反应机制研究中的经典效应。基于微观分析的视角,动作反应机制可以用来解释和衡量操作效率。本文以22名大学生为被试,采用实验研究的方式,应用启动-靶(priming-target)范式探索情绪对水平和垂直西蒙效应的调节机制。结果表明,情绪影响西蒙效应的强度,相比中性和正性情绪启动,负性情绪降低了西蒙效应。同时,情绪对西蒙效应的调节作用仅表现在水平西蒙效应而不是在垂直西蒙效应中。本文为情绪对西蒙效应的调节机制提供了行为学实验研究证据。
Simon effect, a classical reaction mechanism, could be used to measure the operational efficiency based on the perspective of microscopic analysis. With 22 participants, our study adopted the Priming Target paradigm to explore the modulation of emotion on horizontal and vertical Simon effect. The results im plied that the level of Simon effect was modulated by Emotion (positive/neutral/negative). Compared to neutral and positive emotion, negative emotion reduced the Simon effect ot subsequent target lus. Meanwhile, the modulation of emotion on the Si mon effect only occurred in horizontal tasks while not in the vertical tasks. Hence, it is suggested study provides solid behavioral evidence for fluence of emotion on the Simon effect. that our the in
Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology