介绍了因特网上两种最重要的功能 :万维网和电子邮件在医药学研究中的作用 .科研工作者通过万维网可以获取大量信息资源 ,快速检索医药学文献 ,方便地进行广泛的学术宣传和交流 ;电子邮件的运用使信息交流快捷可靠 ,还能通过电子邮件进行科研咨询服务和订阅科研资料 .可见因特网是科研工作者的有力助手 .
The application of world wide web(-) and E-mail, which are two important functions of internet in latrology and pharmacology was introduced On www, we could find a great deal information and search literatures about latrical and pharmacological science quickly, it is also convenient for us to exchange or propagandize our scientific research Using E-mail made it shortcut and reliable to exchange information and get scientific consultation service, even you could subscribe scientific data So internet is a great assistant to people who engage scientific research
Journal of Kunming Medical College