
从霞浦科仪本《下部赞》诗文看明教 被引量:2

Understanding the Religion of Light through the Hymnscroll in Xiapu Manuscripts
摘要 霞浦文书中的12则出自《下部赞》的诗文是明教神学的核心。《收食单偈》中的十二个大神并未从明教的视野中消失,无上光明佛仍是最高神,先意等神也仍然引人注目。夷数(耶稣)的地位更形重要,教主摩尼被送上了神坛,日月也被神化。有些护法明使受到了更虔敬的崇拜。明教以其最高神萨缓默罗圣主为"佛",以二宗三际教义为"法",以其选民为"僧"。听者仍须不疑三宝(佛、法、僧)和二大光明(日月),不损卢舍那身兼五明子,具修七施、十戒、三印。选民也仍须具修五戒、三印、七时礼忏。明教坚持了关于明性和明界的基本教义,将其与民间斋醮仪式结合起来,将超度亡灵作为其日常宗教活动。 The 12 pieces of the Hymnscroll in Xiapu manuscripts are the core of the theology of the Religion of Light. The 12 gods in'A Gāthā,being a list for‘Collection of Offerings’'have not disappeared,the unsurpassed Buddha of Light is still the supreme God,and Xian-yi ( Primal Man) and other gods are still noticeable. Jesus became more important and Mani the prophet was exalted into the pantheon and Sun and Moon were divinized. Some Law-protecting Messengers of Light were worshiped more devoutly. The Religion of Light made its supreme God—Holy Lord of Sahuanmoluo as Buddha,its doctrine of Two Principles and Three Moments as Law and its elect (electi) as Sa? gha. The hearers (auditores) should not doubt the three Treasures ( i. e. Buddha,Las and Sa? gha) and the two great Lights (i. e. Sun and Moon) ,injure the body of Lushena ( Vairocana) ,as well as the five Lights,and should observe the seven almsgivings,the ten Commandments and the three Seals. The elect should observe the five Commandments,three Seals,and seven prayers per day. The Religion insists the basic doctrine of light-nature ( i. e. light-soul) and realm of light,combines it with popular prayer rituals and makes redemption of lost souls by making offerings and saying prayers as its regular religious activities.
作者 马小鹤
出处 《文化遗产》 CSSCI 2013年第2期84-92,158,共9页 Cultural Heritage
基金 复旦大学‘985’哲学社会科学创新基地(文史研究院)资助课题的研究成果之一
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