Block C55 in Oilfield C is typical low-permeability fractured oil reservoirs. At present, it is in the mid- dle-high watercut stage after the first infilling of the well pattern. The main oil reservoirs are seriously flooded ; the interlayer contradictions are more prominent and serious. The remained oil is generally enriched in the interlayer in- terference-type layers and high waterflooded-type rhythm reservoir top. So far, the potential-tapping method by wa- ter flooding is still lacking for effectively developing the latter remained oil in low-permeability reservoirs. With the help of the rock-electricity correspondence among the inspecting wells, watered-out logging interpretation for the in- filled wells and injection profiles" data, two upper and lower sandbodies are found out in five well-developed main oil layers of the block. Then the fine stratification is conducted by means of finely anatomizing technique for the riv- er channel sandhodies, so the internal contradictions can be transferred into the interlayer ones, and moreover the latter remained oil can be changed into the former one. By the fine stratification and adjustment of the water injec- tors, the interlayer developed status is improved, thus the development effects of the oilfield are enhanced.
Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in Daqing