煤层是煤层气的主要储集层 ,因此在煤层气的勘探开发与资源评价过程中 ,就必须对煤层及煤层的煤种、煤质、化学成分、挥发份等各种因素作一个详尽的了解 ,由此来推算该煤层中的煤层气含量、资源量等。为此目的 ,我们收集了大量的煤田钻孔资料 ,并对这些资料进行了有效的整理、组织和保存 ,使之变得有序、有规律。在此基础上 ,我们建立了煤层气勘探数据库与煤层气资源数据库 ,将收集来的资料分门别类地输入到这两库之中。该库的建立 ,为今后煤层气的研究工作打下了必要的基础。
Because coalbed is the main reservior of coalbed methane, we must understand various qualities of it in detail in order to estimate the CBM content and reserves in CBM exploration and evaluation. For this purpose, we have collected a great amount of coalbed data from boreholes of coalfields, processe them effectively and input all recorganized data into a computer. On this basis, we have set up exploration and resources databases of coalbed methane. And these two databases can be regarded as a very important basis for the future researches on the exploration of coalbed methane.
Yunnan Geology