太湖宜溧河流域内总磷发生量为 3540.98t/ a,进入太湖的总磷量为 157.43t/a、 流域内总磷的入湖率为 4.45%。流域内洗衣粉排磷发生量为 336.20t/ a,洗衣粉排 磷入湖量为27.71t/a,洗衣粉排磷量占入湖总磷量的比例为17.60%。因此,洗衣 粉“禁磷”措施在全大湖流域的实施,可削减约17.6%的总入湖磷量,这对减轻太 湖富营养化状况,缓解藻花的暴发,改善太湖水环境起到一定的作用。
Based on the investigationof phosphorus in detergents and other phosphorus sources in the catchment of Yili, Lake Tai, the total phosphorus generated in the catchment of Yili is 3540. 98t/a which enters into the lake at the rate of 157.43t/a. About 4.45% of the total phosphorus from the catchment enters into the lake finally. The total phosphorus in detergents which appears in the catchment of nil is 336.2M and which entersinto the lake at 27.71t/a. The contribution rate of detergents-phosphorus to the total input phosphorus is about 17.60%, Therefore, the measurement of Phosphorus-ban in detergents which has been brought in effect in the whole catchment of Lake Tat cuts off 17.60% of the total phosphorus entering into the lake. These have a definite effect on lightening the eutrophication status, delaying the alga break out and improring the water environment in Lake Tai.
Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology