
美国页岩气开采的水环境监管经验研究 被引量:21

Study on Water Environment Supervision Experience of Shale Gas Development in the United States
摘要 页岩气开采所使用的核心技术——水力压裂技术不仅消耗大量水资源,而且向地下注入裂解液可能污染地下水。为应对页岩气开发所带来的环境问题,美国已开展并积累了相对丰富的环境监管经验和技术。文章就美国页岩气开采场地的水环境监管体系、法规、制度及技术等进行探讨和研究,并提出我国在页岩气大规模开采初期的水环境监管思路及技术方向。 The core technology of shale gas development,hydraulic fracturing,not only consumes large amounts of water resources,but also injects cracking fluid into the ground,which may contaminate groundwater.In response to this environmental issue brought by shale gas development,the United States has carried out and accumulated relatively rich experience and technology of environment supervision.This article conducts discussion and study on the supervision systems,laws,regulations,and technologies of water environment regulation for shale gas development sites in the United States,and proposed our country in shale gas exploitation of initial water environmental supervision idea and technical direction.
出处 《油气田环境保护》 CAS 2013年第4期4-8,78,共5页 Environmental Protection of Oil & Gas Fields
基金 <全国地下水基础环境状况调查评估(2011-2015)>(项目编号:2110302) 环保公益性行业科研专项"华北平原典型地区地下水污染防控技术体系研究"(2013-2015 项目编号:201309004)
关键词 页岩气 压裂液泄漏 地下水污染 水环境监管 shale gas fracturing fluid leak groundwater contamination water environment regulation
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