
空间微波能量传输发射天线自适应幅相校准方法 被引量:4

Adaptive Calibration Method of Transmitting Antenna in Space Microwave Power Transmission
摘要 在微波能量传输等系统中,需要使发射天线波束精确对准接收单元,且收发两端的相对位置会发生变化,现有的幅相校准算法需要参考信道的信息或者需要控制各路器件的开关,均会占用正常工作时间,无法在正常工作时进行跟踪校准。为了对各路幅相误差进行跟踪校准且减小对系统正常工作时间的占用,文章提出了一种发射天线幅相校准方法,首先通过导引信号确定接收端位置,并使发射波束自适应的对准接收端,然后在目标位置处接收正交编码信号计算各路信号的幅度相位信息并与理论预设值比较得到校准因子反馈到合成输入端进行校准。 The transmitting beam must be accurately aimed at the receiving element in the space microwave power transmission system. The relative positions of transmitting and receiving parts may be protean and the existing calibration methods have some problems such as needing reference channel information or controlling of components on-off. An improved calibration method of amplitude and phase errors of transmitting antenna is presented in space microwave power transmission. Hadamard matrix is chosen as an orthogonal encoded signal set and sent to the transmitting antenna. In the receiver, coherent detection and vector accumulation are employed to decode the received signal using the inverse of the encoded matrix, a set of correction factors are found and then used to correct errors of amplitude and phase. Simulation results show that the calibration method is accurate and effective.
出处 《空间电子技术》 2013年第3期16-19,32,共5页 Space Electronic Technology
关键词 空间能量传输 幅相校准 正交编码 Space microwave power transmission Calibration method Orthogonal codes
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