

On the Feministic Concern Different from Western Concept in The Storyteller by Silko
摘要 印第安作家西尔科的《说故事的人》成功跨越了自传小说的艺术局限,她将黄女人的神话传说、她母亲的故事和她自己的故事融合在一起,抹去了神话与现实之间的界限,在神话与现实彼此交错、互为指涉的过程中,完成了去魅神话的嬗变,彰显了印第安人的故事决定身份、故事确立地位、故事代表存在的生存理念,用故事为缺席的母亲命名。同时《说故事的人》淋漓尽致地表达了印第安女人作为情欲个体和孩子母亲的双重身份的矛盾统一性,揭示了在万物有灵论的世界观的指引下,印第安女子把自身的生殖力和大自然生生不息的创造力紧密结合在一起,在充满人文关怀和生态关怀的字里行间,展示了印第安部落与西方理念迥异的女性观。 The Storyteller written by the American Indian writer Leslie Marmon Silko has transcended the artistic limitation of the traditional autobiographic novels, intermingled yellow woman's myths with silko's mother's and her stories, blurred the boundary between myth and reality, thus achieved demythologization in the course of the interwinding and the inter-referential between them, and highlighted the existent principle that storytelling deter- mines identity, establishes social status and signifies existence in order to name the absent mother. In the mean while, The Storyteller also reveals women's dual identities as a sensual being and a mother to combine female re- production power with nature and decodes the unique feminist concern hidden between the lines, which shows the feminist difference between Indian tribes and the western concept.
作者 李雪梅
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第5期718-722,共5页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 辽宁省教育厅科学研究一般项目(W2011091) 辽宁经济社会发展立项研究(2013lslktziwx-05)
关键词 西尔科 《说故事的人》 女性观 Silko The Storyteller the feministic concern
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